

    AI Revolution: Friend or Foe? How AI Will Change the Workplace (But Not Take Your Job)

    The future of work is a hot topic and with good reason. Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming industries, automating tasks that were once the sole purview of human workers. News articles abound with alarming headlines about robots taking over our jobs and leaving us all unemployed. But fear not, fellow employees! While the AI revolution will undoubtedly reshape the landscape of work, it's...

    Human Centered AI: Can Machines Now Mimic Our Personalities?

    Imagine having a conversation with a computer program that feels strangely familiar. You tell it about your day, and it listens attentively, asking thoughtful questions and responding with empathy. Perhaps you're feeling stressed about an upcoming deadline. The Human Centered AI companion picks up on your anxiety and offers words of encouragement, suggesting relaxation techniques or even creating a personalized playlist to lift your...

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